Most social media platforms including this one operate using gamification otherwise known as designing for addiction. They do things like send you alerts, about a new notification that ceases to exist, ads it uses to target users that fit your demographics on November 10th no one will be able to delete their profile simply and this is what is known as dark UI patterns facebook makes you first suspend your account for a period of time before it allows you to delete it. Medium has become increasingly like facebook, I’ve noticed articles filled with outright lies based on opinion and alarmist clickbait titles. I work in UX design so Facebook has called me more times then my mother has this year. And i just don’t want to work for an organization attempting to monetize all human behavior. Then you have the problems with google and certain algorithms that directly made it easy for pedaphiles to find innocent videos parents posted of their children . Did google know about this? They knew about it for months, the big tech companies acronym FAANG do not exist to do anything than profit off of your behavior . This goes beyond FB. And its worse then you think,