I really enjoy your transparency ! I have met over a dozen YC founders either at events , or bc they asked me to interview for a job . All of them where men. Nice enough but , my curiosity spiked, so I took their “start up school” classes and found them to be, well of the same type , I heard a-lot about founder market fit and that makes sense finding the right founder. The only “class” that included women lecturing was the one on finding the right code founder and that a code founder relationship is like a marriage and shocker one or the women in the discussion IS married to her co founder.
Thank you for your thoughtful article in the past when I have asked investors why they don’t seem to invest In women founded start ups much , the answer as been “they don’t seem to apply that much “
I watched an interesting Ted talk and forgive me for forgetting the woman’s name but she stated that women founders get asked questions like “how are you going to not lose my money “ and men get asked things like “so you going to launch this like a rock star”
I thought it was interesting . It hasn’t even occurred to me i am going to be honest , my confounder is a male , to seek funding at all. But I think we have to remain adaptable and agile.
Also This is a per name if you want to chat and know my real one email me contact@augury-bot.com and I mean just talk. I still not currently looking for an investor. I think you can tell by the few comments I’ve left I would just say that . I appreciate this post